Student Competitions
Chem-E-Car Competition | 10th IEM Chemical Engineering Design Competition | Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Special Symposium
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Special Symposium
Succeeding the SDGs Special Symposium and Sapporo Declaration in the APCChE2019, we, the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ), host this SDGs Special Event. This event features international cooperation from the Malaysian partners, the current host-country of APCChE, and the Philippines partners, the next host-country of APCChE. We would like to leverage the popularity and convenience of web conferencing tools, in promoting collaborative studies aiming at various efforts to achieve SDGs, for the students in the Asia-Pacific region. We will elaborate on the contributions of chemical engineering to the SDGs by holding group discussions with participants from industry, academia, and the public sectors.
General Participation
This special symposium will be held in a hybrid format. We plan for it to be opened to the public (including high-school students and their parents) without a participation fee (online only via Zoom), to emphasize chemical engineering’s commitment to society and promote partnerships with different fields and sectors.
For online participation (free of charge), please register from:

Suguru Noda (Waseda U., Japan), Satoko Fujioka (Keio U., Japan), Mitsuo Yamamoto (U. Tokyo, Japan), Fukuya Iino (UNIDO),
Keat Teong Lee (U. Science Malaysia, Malaysia), Joey D. Ocon (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
Student Advisors
Heng Yi Teah (Waseda U., Japan), Hooi Ling Lee ((Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Noorashrina A. Hamid (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Lawrence Limjuco (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines), DJ Donn Matienzo (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines),
Marc Labata (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines), and the organizers
9:00-13:30 (Aug. 11th)
9:00-10:25 Session 1 – Lecture (Hybrid)
9:00- Opening 5 min Prof. Suguru Noda (Waseda University, Japan)
9:05- [Keynote] : Prof. Masahiko Matsukata (Waseda University, Japan, President of The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan)
“How Do Chemical Engineers Contribute to Future by Implementing the Sapporo Declaration?”
9:35- [Invited] Prof. Satoko Fujioka (Keio University, Japan),
“SCEJ’s actions in line with the Sapporo Declaration for achieving the SDGs”
9:45- [Invited] Mr. Ko Chuan Zhen (Group CEO of Plus Xnergy Holding, Malaysia),
“Fostering Business for Sustainable Developments with Engineering Knowledge”
10:05- [Invited] Prof. Joey D. Ocon (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
“Transition pathway towards 100% renewable energy across the sectors of power, heat, transport, and desalination for the Philippines”
10:25-11:25 Session 2 – Proposals from Youth (Online)
Research Proposals from 5 groups:
How chemical engineering can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region?
[Proposal 1] Waste Water Treatment and Coproduction of Valuables in the Palm Oil Industry by Kah Huat Tan, John Larry Corpuz, Io Saito, Ziyi Han, Takumi Omata (Advisors: Suguru Noda, Keat Teong Lee, Marc Labata)
[Proposal 2: Bronze Prize] Solving Bali’s Marine Plastic Problem by Ryota Zukeran, Yusuke Furukori, Vijayaletchumy Karunakaran, Tan Shiou Xuan (Advisors: Satoko Fujioka, Noorashrina A. Hamid, Joey D. Ocon)
[Proposal 3: Gold Prize] Sustainability Assessment and Optimal Selection of Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Resilient Off-grid Water Security Application by Yuen Theng Cheong, Alicia Ying Jie Chin, Sophia Bernadette Lunor, Luke Murakami, Arizeo Salac, Sayaka Takagi (Advisors: Hooi Ling Lee, Lawrence Limjuco, Mitsuo Yamamoto)
[Proposal 4] Grid Impact of Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Fast Charging Stations by Mei Ying Cheah, Aynul Sakinah, Kaori Kemmochi, David Petrovic, Jairus Somera, Yusaku Tsujimura (Advisors: Fukuya Iino, DJ Donn Matienzo, Heng Yi Teah)
[Proposal 5: Silver Prize] Introduction of More Efficient and Profitable Agricultural Production Methods to Increase the Income of Rural Communities in Kenya by Yuya Nakamura, Emilio Vargas Zanatta (Advisor: Mitsuo Yamamoto)
11:25-11:35 break
11:35-12:50 Session 3 – Participatory workshop (Online)
Group discussion on 5 proposals and 2 lectures
12:50-13:30 Session 4. Summary and networking (Online)
Presentations from 8 groups
Messages from lecturers
Research Proposals for International Students’ Collaborative Studies
We plan to recruit 25 students from various countries, making five working groups with five students each. Each group will be presented with a specific theme related to achieving SDGs with chemical engineering. Students will then work on the proposals as a response to the challenge. One to two student advisors will be provided for each group to guide students in applying problem-solving methods. Participating students must actively discuss, weekly or biweekly, for four months from April to July via web conferencing tools. The expected effort from students is one day per week. Finally, we will consider a journal article submission given an outstanding result (note1). Or, we will consider a research fund application for an international joint project from each country.
Example themes include “Design and propose a sustainable infrastructure to deal with the volcano eruption disaster in Tonga”, “Design and propose a resilient decentralized renewable energy and water supply systems”, “Design and propose a multi-faceted measure against marine plastic pollution”, etc. We would encourage the students to take the initiative in deciding a theme not limited to these suggestions with the support of group advisors (note2).